Weston Capital Investments

Forex (Pamm Accounts)

The world's most traded market - Foreign currency exchange (FOREX)

Forex is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world, with trillions of dollars traded daily. For those that are looking for an exciting way to invest - Forex definitely delivers. Making money is based on the difference -- or spread -- between the buy price and the sell price of a currency pair. Profit or loss is the excess after the spread is covered.


Many investors understand the potentially lucrative returns that can be made in the Forex Markets, but simply do not have the time or expertise to do it; by investing under a Fund Manager like Weston Capital, investors can leave the trading to the experienced and have full access to their investment twenty-four hours per day.

How our PAMM Forex Program Works

As a Weston Capital Investments PAMM investor, you open a Weston Capital investment account and allocate funds from your investment account to purchase an investment plan – this is known as the Manager's Capital. At the end of each trade period, the investor(s) will receive a Success Fee (ROI) – depending on the investment plan(s) they purchased.

Open an account now

Benefits for investors


The potential of the Forex market is unlitmited. You can earn high returns by investing in a PAMM investment package without being skilled at trading.


The PAMM service has undergone a compliance check by an international auditing firm. You can see the results of the audit for yourself in your Weston Capital Investments investor dashboard.


You can withdraw your profits, or all of your funds, at any moment via your Weston Capital Group investor dashboard. You can also spread your risks by investing in several different PAMM investment packages.

As a leading global asset manager we are dedicated to creating long-term value for our clients.

Aligning our brand with those who share our values and ambition helps us to strengthen and build our business around the world. It is also one of the ways that we are able to support the communities in which we operate.


How our PAMM Forex Program Works

As a Weston Capital Investments PAMM investor, you open a Weston Capital Group PAMM Account and allocate funds to your investment Account – this is known as the Manager's Capital. At the end of each trade period, the investor(s) will receive a Success Fee (ROI) – depending on the amount of shares they purchased.

Managed Account (PAMM) — Extra Income for Investors and Managers

The PAMM/MAM investment package is a unique product that allows investors to earn without having to actually trade Forex themselves. You can invest in the Forex PAMM/MAM investment pacakge, Weston Capital Investments will receive a percentage of the profits they earn from trading with your funds as a commission.

Invest now

Lucrative Investment opportunity at your fingertips.

Many investors understand the potentially lucrative returns that can be made in the Forex Markets, but simply do not have the time or expertise to do it; by investing under a Fund Manager like Weston Capital, investors can leave the trading to the experienced and have full access to their investment twenty-four hours per day.


Select an investment plan below that matches your financial goals and budget, invest and track your investment's progress from your dashboard.


  • Investment: $500 - $4,999
  • R.O.I: 5% Daily
  • Instant Withdrawals
  • Referral Bonus: 5%
  • 24/7 Support: YES

  • Investment: $5,000 - $49,999
  • R.O.I: 9% Daily
  • Instant Withdrawals
  • Referral Bonus: 5%
  • 24/7 Support: YES

  • Investment: $50,000 - $199,999
  • R.O.I: 13% Daily
  • Instant Withdrawals
  • Referral Bonus: 10%
  • 24/7 Support: YES